IMAET stands for Immune Modulation & Allergy Elimination Technology. It is a noninvasive biofeedback and relaxation management device that provides Advanced Stress Relief.
The N.E.P. (emotions) and Acu-Meridians ("acupuncture") panels are commonly included during telehealth appointments, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of both emotional and physical well-being. In addition, virtual IMAET-only sessions are available, providing flexibility and accessibility for individuals seeking alternative forms of remote care.
To learn more about how IMAET works at a distance please review the information on the IMAET website.
The IMAET device and/or software cannot diagnose, treat or prescribe for disease. No information obtained from the IMAET software should be construed as a medical claim or that this product is intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, and prevention of disease or any other medical condition. This includes any representation on the website or any public presentation. Biofeedback is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.